Lenora Claire - True Crime Media Consultant - Ep 21
Lenora Claire, the Erin Brovovich of stalking, joins us for her second powerful episode. So often our society misunderstands stalking to the extent that it’s often a theme in comedians’ standup. And yet, real life stalkers are frequently terrifying, dangerous and nothing to joke about. And with a justice system that does just short of nothing to help survivors, we need a bright light of hope. And that’s where Lenora Claire comes in as our bright light in a sea of darkness. In this episode, she discusses how you can reduce your risk of having a stalker, best steps to take directly after being sexually assaulted, along with legal changes she is attempting to push through our justice system, such as her app concept with geofencing that would allow survivors to track their stalker. Finally, she tells us about Lenora Claire LLC, her company designed to consult with the entertainment industry, specifically on True Crime shows, so their treatment of survivors is ethical and kind while working with them. Please join us for this episode of Open Deeply that proves that super heroines are real. Lenora Claire is a survivor of multiple violent crimes, a member of the Los Angeles District Attorney Crime Victims Advisory Board, the CEO of Lenora Claire Consulting LLC, as well as an entertainment industry professional. After becoming the fixation of a dangerous stalker, Lenora began to speak out not only for herself but for the other 7.5 million Americans currently being stalked who find themselves without resources and living in fear. Lenora’s case has been featured on 48 Hours, Dr. Oz, Crime Watch Daily, CBS News and other media outlets. Named “The Erin Brockovich of Stalking” by Vice, Lenora has helped countless people obtain restraining orders. She has served as a human shield in court and lectured on the subject of risk minimization at schools, on television and on podcasts. With fellow advocate, Jess Gilbert, they formed The Innovative Justice Alliance to propose legislation and develop methods of prevention in the technology space. Lenora also works as a consultant for television and film, advocating for victims and their families to ensure respectful depictions of their most traumatic and vulnerable moments of their lives. How to find Lenora Claire: https://www.lenoraclairellc.com/ https://lenoraclaire.com/ http://instagram.com/lenoraclaire http://facebook.com/lenoraclaire How to find Sunny Megatron: Website: http://sunnymegatron.com Facebook http://facebook.com/sunnymegatron Twitter http://twitter.com/sunnymegatron Instagram http://instagram.com/sunnymegatron Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@sunnymegatron YouTube https://www.youtube.com/sunnymegatron American Sex Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/2HroMhWJnyZbMSsOBKwBnk How to find Kate Loree: Website http://kateloree.com Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kateloreelmft Twitter http://twitter.com/kateloreelmft Instagram http://instagram.com/opendeeplywithkateloree YouTube https://youtube.com/channel/UCSTFAqGYKW3sIUa0tKivbqQ Open Deeply podcast is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Please know this episode has themes of sexual and emotional abuse and neglect. If you catch yourself becoming emotionally overwhelmed by this episode’s content, please get support. Call a friend, therapist, or an emotional support hotline, such as, 800-273-talk (8255).