Danielle Adams on Cloud Native Buildpacks

Danielle is the Node.js Language Owner at Heroku, leading the Node platform for JavaScript and TypeScript developers. She is also a graduate student at New York University focusing on cybersecurity, a network director for Women Who Code in NYC, and an international public speaker. She is passionate about JavaScript and the well-being of the internet — as this discussion clearly demonstrates. Welcome back to OpenHive.JS. https://github.com/nodejs/citgm https://buildpacks.io/ https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/doc/guides/releases.md

Om Podcasten

The podcast for all things JavaScript, OpenHive.JS presents conversations with key contributors and open source leaders around new developments, challenges and perspectives in JS technology. Hosted by James Snell and Matteo Collina, OpenHive.JS publishes new episodes monthly and is produced and distributed by NearForm.