Super Soul Special: Wayne Dyer: The Art of Manifestation

Original Air Date: July 2, 2018 The late Wayne Dyer, known as the “Father of Motivation,” discusses his book “Wishes Fulfilled.” In his interview with Oprah, Wayne speaks candidly about his battle with leukemia and his decision to seek controversial treatment. Wayne explains why he believes we all have the ability to manifest anything we want into our lives, and why he feels the art of manifestation is different from the law of attraction. Wayne also shares his definition of God, what he believes happens after death and what he knows for sure. Oprah and Wayne had an ongoing spiritual conversation for more than 30 years before he passed away in 2015. Want more podcasts from OWN? Visit     You can also watch Oprah’s Super Soul, The Oprah Winfrey Show and more of your favorite OWN shows on your TV! Visit   

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