Episode 28: Bitcoin with Bellingcat's Brenna Smith, Finding who is running Wordpress even behind Cloudflare, and more

People in this Episode: Ginsberg5150 Dutch_Osintguy Sector035 Kirby Plessas And our special guest: Brenna Smith  Links to what we discussed: Archive of Brenna’s CryptOSINT newsletters can be found here https://us14.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=c435f53a5568f7951404c8a38&id=7f8ca9c380  Our own technisette had a beautiful and healthy baby! Congratulations! https://twitter.com/technisette/status/1219631571851980801  Introduction to OSINT (video) Micah was very lucky to meet and get to work with the talented Ritu Gill, (@OSINTTechniques). At the recent Trace Labs (@TraceLabs) and SANS (@SANSDefense) Missing Persons CTF in Washington DC, they both noticed that many people wanted to participate but had no idea how to get started. After a few discussions, they decided to make an Introduction to OSINT video. https://osintcurio.us/2020/01/16/introduction-to-osint-video/  Lorand Bodo tweeted about a paper that describes a content manipulation (chameleon) attack https://twitter.com/LorandBodo/status/1220359046374600704 with a demo of the attack on Facebook.  Blog by DJ Nemec about using pingbacks to umask a real IP address of a WordPress website that is behind Cloudflare https://t.co/DZY2yOiIRi?amp=1  nixintel wrote a blog about using OSINT techniques to find out who is behind a WordPress site https://nixintel.info/osint/osint-techniques-whos-behind-a-wordpress-site/  New chrome extension that lets you see who posted a video on Twitter first (thread in french https://twitter.com/BriceLeBorgne/status/1217470986095861760) tool on github https://github.com/briceleborgne/OriginVideo (To install the extension, you can download the file I put on Github. Unzip everything in a local folder. Activate developer mode on the Chrome “Extensions” page. Click on “Load the unpackaged extension”, select the folder, en load)  “What is OSINT?” thread on Twitter https://twitter.com/WebBreacher/status/1219606025680101380  TraceLabs Global Missing Persons CTF III – https://www.tracelabs.org/2020/01/trace-labs-global-ctf-iii-an-osint-ctf-for-missing-persons/  New SpiderFoot release https://twitter.com/spiderfoot/status/1221427688109375488  Self Promotion  Nico, Kirby, Micah, and others at SANS osint summit FEB 18th https://www.sans.org/event/osint-summit-2020  Nico joined the recorded future podcast, talked about osint and threat intelligence. You can listen to it here https://www.recordedfuture.com/podcast-episode-142/ --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/osintcurious/support

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The OSINT Curious Project is a source of quality, actionable, Open Source Intelligence news, original blogs, instructional videos, and a bi-weekly webcast/podcast. Most of all, we want to inspire people to look outside of their OSINT-comfort zones and pursue their OSINT passions. We try to keep people curious about exploring web applications for bits of information or trying out new techniques to access important OSINT data. We are an OSINT-learning catalyst. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/osintcurious/support