Polio and the March of Rubles - why medicine trumps politics

In this episode we look at the fight against polio from ‘The March of the Dimes’ - a famous episode in the history of mass immunisation in which ordinary Americans were inspired to fundraise for research that would go on to end Polio in the US.  Professor Dora Vargha leads us through a lesser-told chapter of that story, which is the astonishing international cooperation between US and Soviet scientists at the height of the Cold War.  We look at the current challenges with wild polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan with Dr. Hanan Balkhy, regional WHO director, examining how immunisation levels can be approved through distribution, technology and societal changes. Celebrating a story of success, we talk to Dr. Tunji Funsho about how we achieved Polio eradication in Nigeria, including lessons from engaging community leaders, celebrities and parents to achieve grass-roots community support. Guests featured: - Prof Dora Vargha - science historian on the forgotten story of medical co-operation across the iron curtain and a heroic push to end polio. https://arch-history.exeter.ac.uk/history/profile/index.php?username=dv251   - Dr Hanan Balkhy - WHO Regional director for the mediterranean on the challenge to rid Pakistan and Afghanistan of wild polio https://hananbalkhy.info/  - Dr. Tunji Funsho - Rotary Representative for the African Region and expert on Nigerian polio eradication on the power of understanding community in fighting polio. https://www.rotary.org/en/rotarian-tunji-funsho-named-one-of-times-100-most-influential-people-world   

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