Racism at the Inn: The Myth of Stonewall as the Birth of Queer Rights

For LGBTQ+ folk, history is of particular importance. For too long queer history and existence has been denied and erased. In this podcast Rachael asks, who does Stonewall give legitimacy to in the queer community? In doing so Rachael states that not everyone has the same privileges that give them the tells of story telling or history making, or the power to amplify their preferred story if they do. She speaks with Dr. Heather White and Dr. Melissa Wilcox to ask whose interests are served by the prevailing history of Stonewall, and who gets to decide that Stonewall is the origin story for the LGBTQ+ community.

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This podcast aims to mark and celebrate an emerging theological and religious scholarship among religious people who self-identify as “queer”. Out of the Closet and into the pews aims to get us to understand that Queer Power is not inherently a secular movement, but rather many queer folk understand faith to be associated with their queerness.