S3 Ep8: Exposures Unveiled: Keys, Clouds and Evolving Threats

**Out of the Woods: The Threat Hunting Podcast [LIVE EPISODE] December 5, 2024 | 12:00 - 1:30 PM EST Sign Up Here: https://intel471.com/resources/podcasts/the-ideal-outcome-the-gift-of-a-well-crafted-threat-hunt ---------- Top Headlines: We Live Security | Unveiling WolfsBane: Gelsemium’s Linux counterpart to Gelsevirine: https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/eset-research/unveiling-wolfsbane-gelsemiums-linux-counterpart-to-gelsevirine/ Phylum Research | Python Crypto Library Updated to Steal Private Keys: https://blog.phylum.io/python-crypto-library-updated-to-steal-private-keys/?&web_view=true Censys | The 2024 State of the Internet Report: Internet-Connected Industrial Control System: https://go.censys.com/rs/120-HWT-117/images/2024SOTIR.pdf Hunters Security | Unmasking VEILDrive: Threat Actors Exploit Microsoft Services for C2: https://www.hunters.security/en/blog/veildrive-microsoft-services-malware-c2?&web_view=true ---------- Stay in Touch! Twitter: https://twitter.com/Intel471Inc LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/intel-471/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIL4ElcM6oLd3n36hM4_wkg Discord: https://discord.gg/DR4mcW4zBr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Intel471Inc/

Om Podcasten

Intel 471's podcast with a twist! Join us for the first fully interactive threat hunting podcast where you can hang out with threat hunters from all over the world! Join a rag-tag bunch of threat hunters as they come out of the woods to explore some of the most burning issues related to cyber security. The Out of the Woods podcast is a casual talk covering the topics of threat hunting, security research, and threat intelligence, and some ranting and raving along the way, all over a cocktail or two! The Out of the Woods cyber security podcast is filmed in front of a live studio audience, and by that we mean YOU! We're inviting folks to join us once a month for a LIVE evening of great technical discussions, where you can ask questions and give your opinion in real time on a variety of discussions about threat hunting, security research, blue teaming, and wherever else the evening takes us!