Em D(MA) and Lil Brownie, Jade Tunchy’s Draining Disneyland Visit & Influencer Wedding Freebies

Aussie influencer Em Davies is under fire for asking her followers if she and fellow influencer Lily Brown would regret consuming a weed brownie… Em posted the story to her 368k followers whilst she and Lily were on their way to the airport to catch a flight to Bali. The holiday destination has some of the strictest drug laws in the world, including death by firing squad. Controversial influencer, Jade Tunchy, is currently on a paid trip to explore America. The USA’s official travel and tourism organisation, which goes under the name, Visit USA, has invited a number of Aussie influencers to share about their jam-packed trips. Jade shared the not so glamorous side of her recent trip to Disney Land – And it got us thinking about the obligations of a paid influencer trip. Are you allowed to give your real opinion on the destination? A well known UK singer has called out two large influencers who asked him to perform at their wedding for free. The anonymous influencer couple asked for a free one hour set, as well as a personally written song.

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Outspoken tackles the real issues facing women today, as well as the fun stuff. Hosted by journalists Amy, Sophie & Kate Taeuber, the podcast delves into all things reality TV, news, celebrity gossip and explores the influencer world.