Sunroom’s Longevity, Grand Prix Re-Brand & the Clickbaited Haircut

On today’s show, we discuss the growing number of Aussie influencers putting their content behind pay-walls and what it means for the future of social media. Also on the show, Sarah's Day takes click baiting to new extremes, teasing the reveal of her son, Fox’s, haircut. It was the first time the three-year-old has had his long, blonde locks cut and a week on, viewers are still waiting for the reveal. And the who's who of Melbourne influencers turn out in force for the Grand Prix thanks to Netflix. Follow us on Instagram at @outspoken_the_podcast.If you want to join in on the conversation, join us in our Facebook Community: Podcast hosted by @amytaeuber @katetaeuber & @sophie_taeuber.

Om Podcasten

Outspoken tackles the real issues facing women today, as well as the fun stuff. Hosted by journalists Amy, Sophie & Kate Taeuber, the podcast delves into all things reality TV, news, celebrity gossip and explores the influencer world.