Dirty Glass with Dani Valent & Shanteh Wale: the Quay to wine writing.

Dirty Glass! It’s time for another crossover podcast between Over A Glass with Shanteh Wale and Dirty Linen with Dani Valent. This time we chat about Callan Boys’ review of Quay (19/20!) and the way wine is written about and appreciated by restaurant critics. We also dissect the wine lists at Pure South and Bau Bau - how does region and cuisine impact a drinks program?  Callan Boys’ Quay Review: https://www.smh.com.au/goodfood/sydney-eating-out/exceptional-ethereal-superb-this-sydney-fine-diner-is-now-australia-s-top-rated-restaurant-20240627-p5jpdh.html Pure South drinks list: https://puresouth.com.au/wp-content/uploads/PSD-New-Wine-List-24-05-11.pdf Bau Bau drinks list: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65e25443b0a35f5d290c8481/t/6691d80e032381634dc1cc9a/1720834064044/Bau+Bau+LIst+Sam-+12_07_24.pdf Riesling Freak: https://rieslingfreak.com/wine/2023-rieslingfreak-no-8-polish-hill-river-schatzkammer-riesling/44714/ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER FOR EXCLUSIVE ARTICLES, NEWS, GIVEAWAYS AND BEHIND THE SCENES https://deepintheweeds.us6.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=d33e307cf7100cf947e2e6973&id=d17d8213f5 Follow Dirty Linen on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dirtylinenpodcast Follow Dani Valent https://www.instagram.com/danivalent Follow Over a Glass https://www.instagram.com/overtheglasspod  Host Shanteh Wale https://www.instagram.com/shantehwale/?hl=en Follow Rob Locke (Executive Producer) https://www.instagram.com/foodwinedine/ Follow Huck (Executive Producer) https://www.instagram.com/huckstergram/ LISTEN TO OUR OTHER FOOD PODCASTS https://linktr.ee/DeepintheWeedsNetwork

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Over a Glass is a wine & drinks podcast with Shanteh Wale exploring the personalities, stories and landscape of the wine and drinks business. An Australian Wine and Drinks Podcast from the Deep in the Weeds Network.