CC: The Game Has Changed

If you are considering becoming an entrepreneur or want to take your business to the next level, don't miss this episode. Between AI, new technology, inflation, the economy, and all the crazy stuff in the outside world… it’s clear the rules of success have changed drastically from even just last year. And this has created a massive opportunity to accelerate ahead or fall way behind.   Jill Esplin, who has worked with me for nearly 15 years, and I talk about what we are noticing in the industry and how to overcome inner and outer roadblocks. We also discuss how the game has changed and invite you to join us at a free event June 13--15 hosted by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi:

Om Podcasten

Christine Hassler provides you with practical tools and spiritual principles to help you overcome whatever obstacles might be holding you back. Each episode, Christine coaches callers live on the air offering them inspiration and guidance to heal their past, change their present and create what they really want. Topics include: relationships, career, health, transitions, finances, life purpose, spirituality and whatever else callers have questions about. Christine coaches "regular people" on problems – and opportunities - we all face. It's a show that reminds you that you are not alone, while also teaching things you can implement in your own life.