Are you an adult with ADHD entering a leadership position?
If you are an adult with ADHD and find yourself in a leadership position, you'll want to pay attention to what our guest Brendan Mahan says this week. Brendan from ADHD essentials is back on overcoming distractions and we talk about the essential elements of being a leader, while being an adult with ADHD. Maybe you find yourself as a shift supervisor in the hospitality industry, leading a major project at your company or wanting to learn more about how to parent through leadership, Brendan has some awesome advice. Brendan and Dave discussed the following. The difference between being a leader and being a boss. What the general role of someone in leadership should be? What would we, as adults with ADHD expect from our leaders? The challenges of being an adult with ADHD and assuming a leadership position. Tips for navigating a leadership role while having adult ADHD. Those include delegating diplomatically, understanding that you are supporting character as a leader, and taking time to own your ADHD and manage it properly. Find Brandan Mahan and his offerings on his website; Want to work with Dave?