How an entrepreneur uses his time to achieve goals and help others
On this podcast we have a discussion with firefighter turned entrepreneur Mark Sullivan. Mark is a Lieutenant on the Metro Atlanta Fire Department where he currently serves, and several years ago he opened up what he would call a side hustle called Lime Biscuit Creative a branding and design studio. Mark talks about while he had challenges in high school, and how he might not have found college a good fit for him, he went to a tech school and received his EMT certification. Soon after that he was hired by the Metro Atlanta Fire Department and has earned the rank of Lieutenant. Mark talks about the ups and downs of serving on the Fire Department, how it can be extremely fast paced some days, and how it was a good fit because every day could be different. Many adults with ADHD find high energy careers a great fit and Mark is certainly no different. Mark talks about as an entrepreneur he has been able to utilize his time much better and he has been able to accomplish goals that he once thought unattainable. He also says that he is a very good fit when it comes to serving clients in the branding and design space. Many of his clients are distracted and he can connect very easily and understand the challenges they are going through. You can find out more about Mark at his website; Learn more about Lime Biscuit Creative here: