How to help distracted youth become a responsible adult
What happens when the distracted child or youth becomes an adult? All kinds of things. And it’s the topic of many discussions of those who have children working their way through school and beyond. Between emotions, changing interests, demands from school and others, those who may be prone to distractions, including people with ADHD can struggle at first before they find their way. With the proper strategies in place, routines and some self-awareness, a young adult with ADHD can thrive, become a responsible happy adult and make great things happen in their life. Our guest this week is Brendan Mahan of ADHD Essentials. Brendan is an ADHD coach in Massachusetts and works with children, young adults, adults with ADHD and entire families. Some of the topic we cover include: How is ADHD different in adults than children. What are the more significant challenges in each? As a young adult gets older, what types of challenges do you try to address? Are there common issues that arise as a child enters adulthood? Opposition, defiance, or on the flipside, motivation and energy? Does this time of change present anger, sadness, frustration? Etc… How can a person be more self-aware? How can those around them offer support? Tools to be more focused. You can find Brendan at