Four studies of Cocoon I Golnar Tabibzadeh

Golnar Tabibzadeh's artistic work as part of our Lockdown Residency represents a healing and pictorial act of self-care - addressing claustrophobic feelings through painting."Like an ancient seed, it envelops me with slowness. It creeps its long, stretchy hands around my skin, warm and moist and still.I hear the sound of droplets from far below as the tears of all my years soak my sky-high feet.Each drop, an echo: most alone in the company of others.Like an ancient seed, it plants me in a patch of slowness. And waits patiently for my sorrow to burst forth." - Golnar TabibzadehGolnar Tabibzadeh is a Berlin-based visual artist, storyteller, art coach and visual researcher. Having graduated with a BA in visual arts from Tehran Azad University of Arts and Architecture in 2005, Tabibzadeh started her artistic career majorly focusing on painting as the main embodiment of her works.Tabibzadeh’s paintings are dissections of her surrounding. A reflection of real-life matters and character stripped from their exterior persona and social skin to expose a coral substantial and rather raw nature. In her works, Tabibzadeh claims that underneath the regulated integrated qualities of our social norms, there lays a collective desire towards untamed intuitive and rough human qualities that is shared without exposure.In her more recent and ongoing projects, Tabibzadeh expands the content of her artworks beyond private real-life narratives with a critical eye towards social issues such as womanhood, displacement and trauma. These projects are research-based visual documentation and archiving of stories of individuals who have experienced trauma in the contemporary era.Host: Khadija AlaminGuest: Golnar TabibzadehPost-production: Marieke HelmkeMusic: Nathan BernierProduced by: www.oyoun.deIG/FB: @oyounberlin

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OyoUniverse brings sonic explorations of orbits from within and aroundOyoun BerlinStandort: Lucy-Lameck Str. 32, 12049 BerlinTel +49.30.6805.0860www.oyoun.deKultur NeuDenken gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)Geschäftsführung: Louna SbouAG Berlin Charlottenburg HRB 213866 BFür den Inhalt verantwortlich gemäß § 5 TMG / § 55 RStV:Louna SbouHaftungshinweis:Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber*innen verantwortlich.CopyrightAlle Rechte, insbesondere das Recht auf Vervielfältigung und Verbreitung sowie Übersetzung vorbehalten. Keine der Abbildungen darf ohne Genehmigung des/der jeweiligen Künstlers/in reproduziert oder unter Verwendung elektronischer Systeme verarbeitet, vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden.Datenschutz: