We compose ourselves with KooCha I Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease)
'We compose ourselves' with KooChaWe introduce to you the second Part of the Ancestral Body Noise Podcast Series on the OyoUniverse Podcast. In this first episode of Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease), Dumama and Koocha go on a an exploration of multi-disciplinary performance activist, KooCha’s previous work, which unpacks power, positionality, subconscious internalization and processing of palatability as we carry ancestral memory & create meaningful work as a queer femme artists of colour in Europe. KooCha also takes us on a sonic research journey of sounds she grew up listening to, sounds that connect her to her grandma and sounds generated as part of the ABN workshop sessions. As part of the Ancestral Body Noise: Rituals of Real(ease) residency, our podcast series seeks to connect with the participants as they share parts of their process leading up to the residency, as well as experiences of the residency. Artwork by @blk.banaana Podcast edited: Dylan Greene#OyoUniverse #Podcast #ancestralbodynoise #art #sounds