Episode 2 | Fouad Jeryes PARACHUTE16 Podcast بودكاست باراشوت١٦ مع فؤاد جريس

شاركنا أفكارك واحكيلنا رأيك🎙Full episode🎙: 35min 47secLet's sit down with Fouad Jeryes to learn about his childhood and dive deep into his memories surrounded by the computers, the CD burners, his father-- a tinkerer and workaholic, and how it all built him into the man he is today. Experiencing the economic recession in Boston at five years old, Fouad lived witnessing his father losing his job. Such a situation ignited the entrepreneurial spirit within him. Today, he is the co-founder and he...

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بودكاست برشوت16 يقدم محتوى من عالم ريادة الأعمال باللغة العربية لتوثيق قصص نجاح وتجارب عملية من منظومة ريادة الأعمال العربية والعالمية! Parachute16 podcast offers Arabic content from the world of business and entrepreneurship to document Arab success stories and practical experiences from the Arab and global entrepreneurship ecosystem!