Episode 9.3C: "INVASION: UFO" (part 3) feat. former British MoD UFO analyst Nick Pope and Science journalist Ian Ridpath

The one where we investigate the 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO story (and other tales of strange things in the sky) with former British Ministry of Defence UFO analyst Nick Pope, science writer and UFO sceptic Ian Ridpath, and returning guest co-host Matthew Marc. (Part 3 of 3). Brought to you by a popular 1980s electronic memory game that might also have served as a powerful mind-control weapon... Time Stamps: 0:00:00 Introduction 0:09:09 Interview with Ian Ridpa...

Om Podcasten

PARANOID PLANET is a podcast about conspiracy theories, paradigm shifts, and critical thinking that offers serious and lighthearted conversations with people who believe in conspiracy theories, and with the skeptics who critique them. We also explore historical, philosophical, artistic, psychological, and scientific themes related to conspiracies and the study of knowledge. Whether you are an avid conspiracy follower or a hardened skeptic, our aim is to help you become a better critical thinker and a proponent of healthy public discourse.