The Paranormal Peep Show - Pig Witches ,Poltergeists & Pendle Hill with guest Craig Bryant
Paranormal Pendle Podcast host and author Craig Bryant, joins Andy and Neil on the Paranormal Peep Show for the April 2023 edition. Craig talks about his time working as a barman in the Conservative Club in Accrington, Lancashire, and witnessing a dark ghostly shadow man figure staring at him through a serving hatch. This Hatted shadow man figure had been sighted by other members of staff there in preceding years. Also discussed is the Pendle Witch Trials, which is local to where Craig lives, and how the punishments for just being accused of being a witch led to inhumane treatment and finally death by hanging. In Scotland, they put witches in barrels with internal spikes inside and rolled them down the hill resulting in death. Neil talks about the pig in the middle ages, that was tried as a witch in Germany, presumably resulting in a hog roast at the end!Various ghost theories are discussed, and examined, asking why ghosts appear mostly in doorways. UFOs are also mentioned along with Polgergiest activities, including a haunted piano. Craig Bryant's website can be found at further information on Andy's paranormal medium evenings, go to Tuned In Events group on Facebook or Join us on Facebook as the Paranormal Peep Show group, to discuss this show and other shows and tell us about your ghostly or paranormal happenings. We are part of The Paranormal UK Radio Network which can be found streaming 24 hours a day at your Hosts on the Paranormal Peep Show are Andy Chaplin and Neil Geddes-Ward #ghost #hauntedhouse #shadowman #craig bryant #pendle witchBecome a supporter of this podcast: