Never Forget This Episode Of Pardon The Insurrection

Let's take a journey back to the tragic day of September 11th, 2001, a day that unified America amidst a devastating act of terror. As your host, I'll be sharing my personal perspective of that day and the ripple effects it had across the world. We'll reflect on the unity born out of anguish and how it briefly bridged political divisions. There's power in remembering, and through this raw recollection, I hope to inspire a sense of unity and collective resilience. Yet, we can't focus solely o...

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Where we discuss the ongoing Congressional and criminal investigations of the January 6 coup orchestrated by the former President. And because insurrection wasn't enough, we'll also cover the Department of Justice espionage investigation, investigations relating to other members of Congress, and more. Don't worry, we're not handing out any pardons.