Connecting With Teens When It Feels Hard with Meghan Leahy

We talk a lot on this show about how critical it is to maintain a strong relationship with our teenagers to nurture their mental, emotional, and social well-being. It is also a protective factor against anxiety, depression, drug use, and so much more. But knowing it and doing it are very different things. Many parents tell me that they want to connect with their teens, but their teens don’t want anything to do with them. So what do we do? Today I’m joined by Meghan Leahy, a renowned parent coach and parenting columnist at the Washington Post. Meghan specializes in helping caregivers build and strengthen connections with their children, even when it feels incredibly hard.

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Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam is THE podcast for caregivers raising teenagers. If you’ve tried everything you can think of, but you still feel like you’re floundering; if you want to parent with confidence, but secretly worry that people are judging you and your kids; if want to set your teen up for success but fear you’re failing them...this podcast is for you. In each episode adolescent psychologist, Cameron (Dr. Cam) Caswell, the TEEN TRANSLATOR, guides you around the teenage land minds with practical tips, simple solutions, and words of encouragement. Listen in every week as Dr. Cam chats with mental health and parenting experts to learn their best kept secrets and insights. Why just try to survive the teen years, when your whole family can thrive? FREE GIFT: Dr. Cam’s 10 Pro Tips for Raising Teens at