Ep. 86 - The Brilliance Within: Reframing African-American Children’s Literacy to Fix Broken Systems with Denice Ross

We are thrilled to be joined in this episode by Dr. Denise Ross, faculty member at the University of Wisconsin and Chair of the UW System Institute for Urban Education. Dr. Ross is an advocate for literacy as a form of social justice. She describes how she applies verbal behavior (a language and literacy approach using principles of behavior) to reading and literacy, and discusses the systems and inequities that impact access to evidence-based practices. She further speaks to how the narrative of literacy for economically disadvantaged communities is often framed through a deficit lens. Dr.Ross also discusses how black children's literacy has historically been a tool of empowerment, and that reading instruction grounded in the science of behavior has a history of positively impacting learners' experiences.    For more information and to visit the references mentioned, please visit: UW System Institute for Urban Education: https://uwm.edu/education/institute-urban-edu/ Frederick Douglass Audio Autobiography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZrQFB9wRW4   National Reading Panel: https://www.nichd.nih.gov/sites/default/files/publications/pubs/nrp/Documents/report.pdf

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Parenting Understood is a podcast aimed at helping parents become more confident and relaxed in their parenting. We explore the current research on different parenting and child development topics and break it down into an easy to understand, relatable content. We know there is an abundance of information out there which can make it feel overwhelming. Maybe trying to determine what’s fact vs opinion makes you want to bury your head in the sand. Let us help you find and understand the evidence based resources you need, to feel more confident in the choices you make as parents. Join us each week to get a breakdown of the current research and let us guide you to becoming a more confident and relaxed parent, able to provide the sensitive and responsive care your child needs.