1:16 Susan Kaiser Greenland on Mindful Kids

Susan talks with Susan Kaiser Greenland, author of The Mindful Child and Mindful Games shares ways that families can integrate mindfulness into their everyday lives, developing the resilience, presence, and compassion that will help them navigate life's ups and downs. https://susanstiffelman.com/podcast-episode-kaiser-greenland/

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Susan Stiffelman is a family therapist, parent coach, and one of the country's premiere parenting experts, and the author of Parenting Without Power Struggles and Parenting With Presence (an Eckhart Tolle edition.) Susan's podcasts feature conversations with guests including Dr. Dan Siegel, Janet Lansbury, Dr. Kristen Neff, Dr. Mona Delahooke, Glennon Doyle, Dr. Jane Goodall, Jack Kornfield, Martha Beck, and many others.