Connecting People to Parks Through Writing
Park Rangers are great storytellers. Sean Smith, former National Park Ranger, used the storytelling gift to write a series of thrillers with a park ranger as the hero. In this episode of the Park Leaders Show, Sean talks about how his time as a ranger led to writing Unleashing Colter's Hell and Lost Cause. Sean tells us why he wrote these stories, and where the inspiration for the main character came from. Sean also explains how to transition from being a good story teller to being a good writer. I would be delighted if more rangers wrote. Whether it be books, or blogs, it would be good to see more rangers writing. I know there are some great ranger books out there, and a few ranger blogs. But we need more. Although no longer a ranger, Sean is a strong supporter of parks and recently gave a TEDx talk about why we should protect national parks. This Ted talk is how I discovered Sean. You can connect with Sean on his blog, Twitter, or Facebook Do you have a favorite park ranger book, or ranger blog? If so, reach out and let me know. I want to discover more rangers who are writers. Recommended Resources Sean Smith Books: Unleashing Colter's Hell and Lost Cause Creating Disney Magic on iTunes and Stitcher Radio. Tribe Writers - Writing course from Jeff Goins. Why protect national parks? | Sean Smith | TEDxSpokane (click to watch on YouTube)