Setting Park Priorities with Matt Carroll
Matt Carroll did not follow a typical path to becoming a Superintendent with the National Park Service. During a full career with the Air Force, Matt picked up all the skills he would need to be a Park Superintendent; management, budgets, leadership, operations and more. He also volunteered with the National Park Service for many years before he retired from the Air Force. Typically, by the time a ranger becomes a superintendent, he or she has been immersed in the culture of the park service for years. Matt came in from the outside to the role of Superintendent of Greenbelt Park and Baltimore-Washington Parkway. Shortly after joining the Greenbelt Parkway, Matt developed a list of 2016 Superintendent Priorities. Matt posted the priorities at Park Headquarters so park staff, volunteers, and visitors could see them. Here are the 2016 Superintendent Priorities for the Greenbelt Park and Baltimore-Washington Parkway; Improve Visitor Experience, Customer Support & Partnerships Institute Sound Business Practices Foster a Culture of Safety in Daily Operations Ensure Good Stewardship of Park Resources and Facilities Develop and Support a Professional Workforce