028: MONDAY MINDSET — You Have To Do This BEFORE You Reach Your Goals

Are you doing things backwards? Are you pursuing growing your business but waiting for the results to roll in before you actually take action? This topic received a LOT of conversation when I chatted about it on my Instagram, so today  we are diving in to discuss WHY you should be putting the effort in to build for the future you want to have! We answer questions about college degrees, going from part-time to full-time, spending money to make money, and so much more! If you feel like you need the encouragement to pursue taking the leap into MORE growth, then this podcast is for you! Learn more about “The Photo Editing Course” here: https://www.nathanchanski.co/the-photo-editing-course CLICK HERE TO GET 50% OFF YOUR FIRST YEAR OF HONEYBOOK! Connect with Nathan online: Instagram: @nathanchanski Tik Tok: @nathanchanski Courses from Nathan: https://www.nathanchanski.co/education 1:1 Coaching with Nathan: https://www.nathanchanski.co/coaching-mentorships

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If you're an aspiring wedding photographer or established creative business entrepreneur and you’re looking for value-packed photography education, wisdom, and real talk about how to run your biz, this is the place for you! I’m a wedding photographer/business coach who went from quitting my 9-5 to pursue full-time photography, started out making less than a thousand per wedding to booking six figs/year, and learning SO much along the way that I'm bursting at the seams to share with you. See you right here twice week (M & W) and hit that subscribe/follow button so you never miss a thing!