Hurtful Words from Our Children

Our kids can really hurt our feelings at times and make us feel the need to eradicate certain language from their vocabulary.  When they say they want a new mommy or they hate us or their siblings, we believe them; why wouldn't we?  We're going to discuss why we choose not to believe them or take it personally and how we manage to let them have those big feelings and still come out with our connection intact.  It takes a lot of practice but it has worked for both of us! Thank you so much for all the support on our Patreon, Facebook community group and Instagram!! We appreciate you all so much! Click here for Michelle's guide to journaling. 

Om Podcasten

Find out how to come to parenting through the lens of connection as a way to navigate and unravel sticky parenting situations. Michelle is a mother of two girls, as well as a former teacher and counselor turned Certified Parenting Instructor. After years of consequences, bribes, and star charts, she finally reshaped the relationship she shares with her daughters and credits peaceful parenting for changing her life. Michelle considers herself a recovering yeller, perfectionist, and control freak who has found a more calm and connected way to parent.