Keeping Our Kids Safe

Amanda Zunck, of Find the Light Podcast, joins us to discuss how to keep our kids safe in a world in which child pornography (child sexual abuse material), pedophilia and trafficking is a multi billion dollar industry. She teaches us how to arm ourselves and our children with the knowledge and skills we need for protection. Check out this book for some extra help in starting a discussion with your kids: Good Pictures, Bad Pictures and please reach out to us if you want to learn more. 

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Find out how to come to parenting through the lens of connection as a way to navigate and unravel sticky parenting situations. Michelle is a mother of two girls, as well as a former teacher and counselor turned Certified Parenting Instructor. After years of consequences, bribes, and star charts, she finally reshaped the relationship she shares with her daughters and credits peaceful parenting for changing her life. Michelle considers herself a recovering yeller, perfectionist, and control freak who has found a more calm and connected way to parent.