The September House | Too Many Tabs

Mrs. Pearlmania's Book Club Returns with a tale of Real Estate Horror. Join us as she explain's Carissa Orlando's novel "The September House". Are violent ghosts a deal breaker if your monthly mortgage payment is blow $800 a month? Can Alex survive Margaret's descriptions of turn of the century wood bannisters? Is this the Stephen King Version of a Hallmark Christmas movie set around Labor Day? Grab your favorite fuzzy blanket, put your work phone on Do Not Disturb, and set your headphones to noise cancelling cause Mrs. P is going to tell Alex all of the spoilers for the next 2 hours and he is going to react poorly. Alex has added more cities to the tour! Including, NJ, AZ and CA! TICKETS FOR THE SOUP FOR MY FAMILY TOUR HERE To become a Team leader: Join our patreon (not a cult): The Pearlmans have a NEW Post Office Box: P.O. Box 72151, Thorndale, PA 19372. Follow us on Instagram: @Pearlmania500 & @mrs.pearlmania500 You can watch this episode on our Youtube Channel!!! Our theme song and all of the music for our show comes from our friend's project called "His Name Was Dusk." Check out his website for more info at: Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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The podcast where a husband and wife duo spend all week "doing their research" then tell each other about the series of tabs that they have opened and how they got here. It's the perfect show for passing time at work, for feeling comradery while doing chores, or to play for you romantic partner during a very long road trip to meet your parents for the first time and you are trying to cut the tension.