ICED Podcast Episode 1

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the ICED International Consortium for Educational Development podcast! Join us as we embark on a captivating journey into the intersection of artificial intelligence and human values with our distinguished guest, Professor Kasturi Behari-Leak. Professor Behari-Leak holds the esteemed position of Dean at Cape Town University and is a former President of ICED. In this episode, we'll explore the profound impact of AI on higher education and the ethical principles guiding this transformative evolution. Kasturi's message is a call for careful consideration – urging us not to rush headlong into technological advancements but to approach them with a keen awareness of human values. It's imperative that we engage in an ongoing dialogue with AI, avoiding the naivety of perceiving it as a benevolent guardian of our world. We must acknowledge that many systems are driven by financial and economic interests, and we cannot afford to disregard this fact. Hence, we should maintain a critical perspective, consistently questioning: "Is this a great idea? Who benefits from it, and who stands to lose?" Keeping these questions at the forefront of our discussions ensures that we navigate this journey with consciousness and a strong moral compass. So, let's dive right in! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

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Parce qu'apprendre ne s'improvise et qu'enseigner est un acte complexe, la pédagogie proposée dans offre ressources et explications qui se basent sur la littérature dans ce domaine. Ariane, votre hôte, a plus de 30 ans d'expérience dans l'apprentissage, l'enseignement et le conseil pédagogique et est visiting professor dans le groupe d'innovation pédagogique du Professeur Eric Mazur à Harvard University. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.