Professor Perry Elliott, MBBS, MD, FRCP, FESC, FACC - Medicine in Motion: Visual Guide to a New Generation in Care for Patients With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Go online to to view the activity, download slides and practice aids, and complete the post-test to earn credit. The visual guide to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) you’ve been waiting for is here! In contemporary care, patients with HCM have options that may reduce the need for invasive treatments. This engaging presentation is perfect for both visual and auditory learners to update their understanding of HCM, tune in to the signs and symptoms that should raise suspicion, and learn best practices to confirm a diagnosis of HCM. Once diagnosed, you’ll need to know the latest data on cardiac myosin inhibitors and practical guidance for integrating them into patient care. This activity delivers on all of the above—set aside some time and click “play” today! Upon completion of this activity, participants should be better able to: Recognize clinical characteristics and/or features that suggest the presence of HCM; Accurately diagnose patients with suspected HCM using expert guidance and the latest recommendations to promote early identification and treatment; and Personalize the medical treatment of HCM using strategies with disease-modifying potential based upon the latest efficacy and safety evidence and consistent with current prescribing and monitoring recommendations to ensure long-term patient safety and improve clinical outcomes.

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PeerView (PVI) is a leading provider of high-quality, innovative continuing education (CME/CE/CPE and MOC) for clinicians and their interprofessional teams. Combining evidence-based medicine and instructional expertise, PeerView activities improve the knowledge, skills, and strategies that support clinical performance and patient outcomes. PeerView makes its educational programming and expert-led presentations and symposia available through its network of popular podcast channels to support specific specialties and conditions. Each episode includes a link to request CME/CE credit for participation. PeerView is solely responsible for the selection of topics, the preparation of editorial content, and the distribution of all materials it publishes.