Coin Magic Summit Pt 2: Avi Yap, Chris Korn, Danny Cheng, Danny Goldsmith, Jeremiah Zuo, Kainoa Harbottle, Eric Jones, Mr. Tango, Michael Rubenstein, and our guest of honor Curtis Kam S6E4

The second half of our incredible coin magic summit featuring the best coin magicians in the world concludes an incredible conversation. This podcast features: Avi Yap, Chris Korn, Danny Cheng, Danny Goldsmith, Jeremiah Zuo, Kainoa Harbottle, Eric Jones, Mr. Tango, Michael Rubenstein, and our guest of honor Curtis Kam.

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The Penguin Magic Podcast is a weekly show bringing you interviews from the top names in magic and a behind the scenes look at the P3 Magic Studios. Tune in to get a heads up on all the latest goings on at