Be Profitable Day One

Knowing who you are serving is the first step towards growing your business. If you’re not clear about who your audience is, you can get clear by finding the people who need your community the most right now and who you’re the most excited to bring together. Being profitable within the first week of launching is possible but you should not make a huge investment if you do not have clarity around who you’re serving and why.

Om Podcasten

What if it was easy to create a $1M digital business you could be proud of? The path lies in creating people magic. Gina Bianchini, founder and CEO of Mighty Networks, has helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs, brands, and creators grow incredible businesses that put people first and generate millions in profit. Now she’s bringing the secrets of the most successful communities directly to you.  In this series, Gina will show you how to build a community so valuable you can charge for it and so well-designed it essentially runs itself. She’ll answer your most pressing questions surrounding community building like: what has changed in the past six months that makes building a community so profitable TODAY? What is the #1 mistake new community builders make? How do you find members?   Join us for People Magic today.