Diplomacy Required: Women, Water, and Peace

The theme of this year’s World Water Day is “Water for Peace”.  With over 2 billion people around the world lacking clean water access, tensions can arise within communities and between countries. Further complicating the issue, around 40 percent of the global population lives in a transboundary river basin, making transboundary water cooperation essential to effective water resource management. This episode explores how the Women in Water Diplomacy Network is empowering global women water decision-makers and experts to strengthen transboundary water cooperation. Host Sarah Backer is joined by Elizabeth Koch, Senior Manager for International Programs at ELI, and Gwendena Lee-Gatewood, the Co-Chair of the Indigenous Women's Leadership Network and former Tribal Chairwoman for the White Mountain Apache Tribe.  Inspired? Reach out to Elizabeth Koch at koch@eli.org if you are interested in supporting and contributing to the Women in Water Diplomacy Network.   ★ Support this podcast ★

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