#7 Performance reviews in a remote World.

With many businesses coming towards the end of their performance review cycles, meaning review time...this year we are seeing businesses responding in different ways...delaying, shifting the way in which they are done or cancelling them all together.We chat about how the current World has exacerbated how in-flexible and antiquated some methods are and the need to be more agile way of managing performance where continuous communication, objectives are continuously reviewed. If you don't look after your best talent it goes without saying that others will be very keen to do so! Plenty of referencing of some great content in this area so make sure you follow us on Linked in to pick up on us posting them. 

Om Podcasten

A relaxed, casual and honest review of weekly thinking from people who work with people. Giving thoughts and reflections from their weeks in HR, Learning & Development, People coaching and Recruitment. Guiding people through the full life of their career journey in a 20 minute (ish), in the style of a Friday morning coffee catch up. The PeopleTalk podcast team details are below, we are continually sharing content on our LinkedIn pages so please look us up and join the conversation. Chris Cheesman SisuPeople (https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrischeesman/) Paul Marston Eidos Consulting (https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-m-b8ba1827/) Rachel Norrington Face2FaceHR (https://www.linkedin.com/in/rnorringtonhr/)