Episode 43: Holding Space with Zoe Gillis

I'm so grateful for this conversation with Zoe Gillis, a licensed marriage and family therapist who in today's episode is helping us to get as grounded as we can and try to stay present during a time of great global anxiety. There's a lot of uncertainty right now, and a lot that we can't control. Zoe reminds us to focus on what we can control; to meet our own feelings and suffering so that we can work with it and use what we learn to meet the suffering of others; and to look for the good where we can. Zoe also talks about accessing the healing power of nature, acknowledging that looks very different for people depending on their circumstances. I mention in the intro that we had technical difficulties with our call dropping a lot (hello uncertainty and lack of control!), but don't worry--I edited the episode so you won't be able to tell! To find out more about today's episode, and to learn about Zoe, her immersive wilderness retreats, and her upcoming virtual events, visit the Shownotes page and follow Zoe on Instagram @zoegillismft

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Perennials is a podcast for young hearts, old souls and curious minds. 20-something host Victoria Russell invites special guests to join her for thoughtful, inter-generational conversations about what it really means to grow up, get wise, and try to live a good life. Perennials tackles mental and physical health, spirituality and religion, work and education, relationships and more, all the while offering a compassionate, contemplative take on the magic and messiness of early adulthood (and beyond).