Episode 46: Creativity in Quarantine with Marina Carreira

Multimedia artist (and previous Perennials guest!) Marina Carreira is here to talk about creativity during covid-19. We discuss who gets to claim the title "creative," the importance of carving out creative time and rest time, and the practice of finding beauty in the mundane. Marina reminds us that if all we have energy for right now is survival, that's okay. And, creativity might show up in surprising ways.    We also speak about the opportunity for self-reflection during stay at home orders, especially reflecting on racial injustices and the importance of locating white supremacy within ourselves.   We talked about how, ultimately, it takes a creative mind to imagine new ways of being for ourselves and for the world.

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Perennials is a podcast for young hearts, old souls and curious minds. 20-something host Victoria Russell invites special guests to join her for thoughtful, inter-generational conversations about what it really means to grow up, get wise, and try to live a good life. Perennials tackles mental and physical health, spirituality and religion, work and education, relationships and more, all the while offering a compassionate, contemplative take on the magic and messiness of early adulthood (and beyond).