Episode 31 - The Future of Masculinity and what It Means to be a Man with Chris Edge

Join me as I sit down with the host of the Mankind.Co podcast, Chris Edge. Father, Husband, Navy Veteran and an all-round top guy. Chris is barking on a journey of self-discovery, perhaps an individuation process to become who he is. Being a father of three, as well as a husband, Chris has some responsibility on his plate. We discuss opinions on what it means to be a man, challenges that men face in today’s society as well as an outlook on masculinity in the future. It was an awesome chat, and I can't wait to catch up again. You can find the podcast and Chris, @ Mankind.co and chrisedge_official respectively. As always, thank for you tuning in. Make sure you are to subscribe and leave some feedback. www.performancethroughhealth.com

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Welcome to the Performance Through Health podcast where we interview and chat with a variety of high performing individuals ranging from elite athletes, scientists, coaches, and business owners as I delve into topics such as breathing, stress, sleep, and other health areas allowing you live life to your best. If you're looking to level up in life, you can inherit the wisdom from my guests by tuning in every month for a new and exciting episode.