Episode 38 - Using the Power of Reflective Practice

I am changing the format slightly. After a conversation with a group of friends, I was inspired to take a more reflective approach to the podcast. In this episode, I discuss the importance of reflection, why I am going to start doing it more and some stories where I have used reflective practices during my time training as a healthcare scientist. I hope you enjoy today's episode. For more information on what I can do for you and Performance Through Health. Check out my website www.performancethroughhealth.com

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Performance Through Health podcast where we interview and chat with a variety of high performing individuals ranging from elite athletes, scientists, coaches, and business owners as I delve into topics such as breathing, stress, sleep, and other health areas allowing you live life to your best. If you're looking to level up in life, you can inherit the wisdom from my guests by tuning in every month for a new and exciting episode.