Episode 40 - Join My 30 Day Challenge That Will Turn You Into A High Value Person

In this episode, we finish up with a reflection on my 12 weeks challenge and move onto the next challenge. Join me over the next 30 days to raise my value in the eyes of others by being of service and contribution in all aspects of life. In this episode, I discuss what individual value perception is, go through some high-value behaviours and those that destroy your value in the eyes of others. Your personal wealth is directly correlation to the perception of value you have to those around you. You can check out all E-books, including my vision Ebook that outlines the qualities necessary to live a life of contribution and purpose on my website www.performancethroughhealth.com Follow me on this challenge on Instagram @martinmcphilimey Thanks for tuning in to today's show.

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Welcome to the Performance Through Health podcast where we interview and chat with a variety of high performing individuals ranging from elite athletes, scientists, coaches, and business owners as I delve into topics such as breathing, stress, sleep, and other health areas allowing you live life to your best. If you're looking to level up in life, you can inherit the wisdom from my guests by tuning in every month for a new and exciting episode.