29. Medication Use Process & Technology
29. Medication Use Process & Technology Intended Audience: Students and Newcomers to Pharmacy Informatics Today's episode, we talk about the different steps in the Medication Use Process and how current technologies can affect each step. More Resources: Medication Use Process: https://www.achca.org/assets/docs/ltcplc_stmt3_meduseprocess_081031.pdf Medication Safety and Avoiding Errors: https://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/medication-safety-in-hospitals-avoiding-medication-errors-in-the-medication-use-process-2167-1052-2-134.php?aid=14894 Follow us on social media! Twitter: @pharmacyitme Instagram: @pharmacyinformatics Website: Pharmacy IT & Me Email: pharmacyitme@gmail.com Follow Tony's personal Twitter account at @tonydaopharmd Network with other pharmacists at Pharmacists Connect!http://pharmacistsconnect.com For more information on pharmacy informatics, check out some of the following useful links: ASHP's Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology: https://www.ashp.org/Pharmacy-Informaticist/Section-of-Pharmacy-Informatics-and-Technology/ HIMSS Pharmacy Informatics Community: https://www.himss.org/library/pharmacy-informatics This podcast is powered by Pinecast.