296. Feasibility and TELOS Strategy

296. Feasibility and TELOS Strategy Intended Audience: Newcomers to Pharmacy Informatics Today's episode we go over a brief overview of the first step of the waterfall model, which is looking into feasibility. One of the ways to approach this is adopting a TELOS strategy: T - Technological - looking into the technology aspect and seeing if the project's technical requirements are possible E - Economic - looking into the financial impact of the project and its possible costs on implementation and maintenance L - Legal - identifying if the project is within or breaks any regulations or legislations O - Operational - reviewing whether the project will have a major impact on the day-to-day operations S - Scheduling - analyzing whether the project makes sense from a time perspective; seeing if the project would even be useful by the time it is implemented For more on TELOS strategies and Feasibility: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/telos.htm https://business.tutsplus.com/articles/can-we-really-do-it-how-to-conduct-a-telos-feasibility-study--cms-21442 https://www.researchgate.net/figure/TELOS-framework-guide-questions-for-feasibility-research_fig1_307600191 Disclaimer: Views expressed are those of the individuals and do not reflect thoughts and opinions of any entity with which speakers have been, is now, or will be affiliated. New to LinkedIn and not sure where to start? Download my free ebook, "Professional Networking Unlocked", at https://www.tonydaopharmd.com/ebook Follow us on social media! Twitter: @pharmacyitme Instagram: @pharmacyinformatics LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/pharmacyitme/ Website: Pharmacy IT & Me Email: tony@pharmacyitme.com Follow Tony's personal Twitter account at @tonydaopharmd Network with other pharmacists at Pharmacists Connect!http://pharmacistsconnect.com For more information on pharmacy informatics, check out some of the following useful links: ASHP's Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology: https://www.ashp.org/Pharmacy-Informaticist/Section-of-Pharmacy-Informatics-and-Technology/ HIMSS: https://www.himss.org/resources/pharmacy-informatics-and-its-cross-functional-role-healthcare Disclaimer: Views expressed are my own and do not reflect thoughts and opinions of any entity with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.

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Informatics Pharmacist, Tony Dao, hosts this podcast series that discusses different aspects and topics in the pharmacy informatics and pharmacy technology space and how leveraging the IT tools in the healthcare landscape can ultimately improve patient care and satisfaction. ** Disclaimer: Views expressed are those of the individuals and do not reflect thoughts and opinions of any entity with which speakers have been, is now, or will be affiliated. **This podcast is NOT monetized or supported by affilate ads.