68. 123s with ADCs: Part 1
68. 123s with ADCs: Part 1 Intended Audience: Newcomers to Pharmacy Informatics Today we give a brief introduction to what automated dispensing cabinets are. The episode focuses on discussing what these technologies are, how they are used, where they are used, how they compare to cart fills, and what benefits one can experience by using ADCs. Follow us on social media! Twitter: @pharmacyitme Instagram: @pharmacyinformatics Website: Pharmacy IT & Me Email: tony@pharmacyitme.com Follow Tony's personal Twitter account at @tonydaopharmd Network with other pharmacists at Pharmacists Connect!http://pharmacistsconnect.com For more information on pharmacy informatics, check out some of the following useful links: ASHP's Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology: https://www.ashp.org/Pharmacy-Informaticist/Section-of-Pharmacy-Informatics-and-Technology/ HIMSS Pharmacy Informatics Community: https://www.himss.org/library/pharmacy-informatics Disclaimer: Views expressed are my own and do not reflect thoughts and opinions of any entity with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.