#45 - Humam Eid | همام عيد

همام عيد هو موسيقي ومؤلف واستاذ مختص بالموسيقى الشرقية وعازف محترف على آله العود والقانون والساز، وهو ايضاً يقوم بالعمل على موقع الكتروني تعليمي يختص بالموسيقى الشرقية ومقاماتها، ويعرض فيه ارشيف للنوت الموسيقية العربية التي قام هو بتوزيعها وتنويتها وتدوينها. Humam Eid is a composer, teacher and a Virtuoso performer on many Oriental instruments like Oud, Qanun and Saz, he is also the founder of the website arabicmusiclibrary.com which is concerned with archiving his notations of many of the Arabic/Oriental rich music repertoire

Om Podcasten

By a pingpong table, Lutfi Malhas is an established musician from Amman, Jordan, who enjoy a good conversation. With an air of lightness, a variety of topics are discussed from music to sports and everything in between. Episodes don’t fall short of smiles and comic twists, either by anecdotes told or unexpected takeovers by Lutfi’s furry friend Oscar. (visit our website ppttpodcast.com)