Stan Lieberman: A Lifetime Scholar and Renaissance Man

Stan Lieberman had many career options following college. Though he loved philosophy then, and still does today, his professor suggested he find another career for financial reasons. Once Stan saw Sputnik launch into space, he knew he wanted to be a part of that arena. He became a successful rocket scientist. When it was time to retire, Stan reinvented himself into a website designer, building the code from the ground up. Once again, he is successful in his career. And though he works hard, he also knows how to pursuit other interests that slake his endless thirst for knowledge. Thank you to Bokuwa and Wizzie2K for the use of "Will U Stay With Me":

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Retirement Coach, Kim Shea, talks to people who have happily reinvented themselves after a life event such as a layoff, health change, retirement, or an empty nest. Get inspired, and learn their secrets and tips for pivoting and thriving in the second half of life. You have more options than you might realize!