159. Making Sense of Your Teen's Emotions

One second they're laughing with you, the next, they are yelling, "WHY DON'T YOU LIKE ME?!" as they run out of the kitchen, slamming their bedroom door.  One day they are organized and have a 5 year plan, the next day they sleep all Saturday and can't remember to get to work on time.  Sometimes they love you and sometimes you get the stink eye. Literally nothing has changed between the two of you.  Teens send wack messages to parents when you don't understand how it all makes sense- and it does. Tune in to this week's episode as I decode the seemingly nonsensical behavior that your teenager is presenting with.   To learn more, please visit me at heatherfrazier.com

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If you have teenage children and you’ve noticed that your parental skill set is no longer as effective as it once was, it is time to pivot. When running down the path of life, we need to be able and ready to, PIVOT! As life (and hormones) come flying at us. As a certified life coach, author, and mother of four children- two teens and two young adults, I am your perfect parental pivot trail guide. Let me teach you how to communicate, understand, and connect with your teenager like you never thought possible.