164. Perfectionism in Parenting

Pretty much every single client I have has some form of:  I'm not good enough, I don't deserve goodness, I deserve distain, I have to do it all perfect to be valuable, if only me or my kid would be more ....then they'd be good enough for me to know I've done a good job.  Then I could feel okay with myself, my family, and be happy. If you feel like you're chasing a pipe dream of happiness, thinking it's just after one more task is done, a couple of accomplishments made by your teen, but the satisfaction is fleeting if at all, this episode is for you!   To learn more about parenting your teen, please visit me at heatherfrazier.com

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If you have teenage children and you’ve noticed that your parental skill set is no longer as effective as it once was, it is time to pivot. When running down the path of life, we need to be able and ready to, PIVOT! As life (and hormones) come flying at us. As a certified life coach, author, and mother of four children- two teens and two young adults, I am your perfect parental pivot trail guide. Let me teach you how to communicate, understand, and connect with your teenager like you never thought possible.