191. "Fix it" Energy in Parenting

Parent's find out what I do and ask me how to get their teen to: like cleaning their room, turn in homework, help out, be nice, stop lying... they want to know how to fix the problem that is their teen's choices. I get it. I was that parent several years ago.  When we see our teen's as something to be fixed, we parent in a very specific way, and it's not so helpful. Tune in to learn more and how to help your teen in a more powerful way.  To preorder my book, How I Fixed My Teen and learn more about parenting, please visit me at Heatherfrazier.com

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If you have teenage children and you’ve noticed that your parental skill set is no longer as effective as it once was, it is time to pivot. When running down the path of life, we need to be able and ready to, PIVOT! As life (and hormones) come flying at us. As a certified life coach, author, and mother of four children- two teens and two young adults, I am your perfect parental pivot trail guide. Let me teach you how to communicate, understand, and connect with your teenager like you never thought possible.