200. Our Parental Nervous System

Feeling triggered? Life and teens have a way of lighting up our nervous systems. Our brains are very complex beautiful helps to life- until they aren't. In today's episode I break down how we can use our brain's instincts to help us rather than leave us in the, post-yelling (or passive aggressive, or totally avoiding them and everyone) slump of shame.  If you've ever thought: "why did I just do that? Why couldn't I have responded better, what's going on that I can't be the parent I want to be?!" Then this episode is your key to understanding so that you can feel like you're back in the drivers seat of how you behave, see things, and parent. I've got you. xoxo To learn more about parenting your teen, and check out my book, How I Fixed My Teen, visit me at heatherfrazier.com 

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If you have teenage children and you’ve noticed that your parental skill set is no longer as effective as it once was, it is time to pivot. When running down the path of life, we need to be able and ready to, PIVOT! As life (and hormones) come flying at us. As a certified life coach, author, and mother of four children- two teens and two young adults, I am your perfect parental pivot trail guide. Let me teach you how to communicate, understand, and connect with your teenager like you never thought possible.