Ep. 9 - Josie Steiger on Vegan Pregnancy

With all the major changes happening to your body, being pregnant in general can be really stressful. But when you’re vegan and everyone has an opinion about your pregnancy, it can be extra frustrating. In our latest episode, Josie Steiger shares her experience of having a healthy vegan pregnancy and baby, some of the resources she found most helpful, and how to be the best advocate for yourself and your baby.

Om Podcasten

Life is always easier and more exciting when you have friends to share in your journey, and the path to plant-based living is no exception! On the Plant-Powered People Podcast, you’ll hear from folks who’ve embraced plant-based living while they share their experiences overcoming obstacles in the most graceful (and sometimes not-so-graceful) ways. Join hosts Michelle Cehn (founder of World of Vegan) and Toni Okamoto (founder of Plant Based on a Budget) every other week as they tackle challenges like being the only vegan in the family, what it’s like to be plant-based while working at a non-veg restaurant job, and more!